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Published articles
* supervised student
Published articles
- Fant L & Ghedini G (2024). Biomass competition unifies individual and community scaling patterns. bioRxiv, [doi] [pdf]
- Ghedini G, Marshall DJ (2023). Metabolic evolution in response to interspecific competition in a eukaryote. Current Biology, 33:2952-2961. [doi] (email me if you would like a copy)
- Ghedini G, Marshall DJ, Loreau M (2022). Phytoplankton diversity affects biomass and energy production differently during community development. Functional Ecology, 36:446-457. [doi] [pdf]
- Nørgaard LS, Ghedini G, Phillips BL, Hall MD (2021). Energetic scaling across different host densities and its consequences for pathogen proliferation. Functional Ecology, 35:475-484. [doi] [pdf]
- Lovass M*, Marshall DJ, Ghedini G (2020). Conspecific chemical cues drive density-dependent metabolic suppression independently of resource intake. Journal of Experimental Biology, jeb.224824. [doi] [pdf]
- Ghedini G, Malerba ME, Marshall DJ (2020). How to estimate community energy flux? A comparison of approaches reveals that size-abundance trade-offs alter the scaling of community energy flux. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 287(1933):20200995. [doi] [pdf]
- Malerba ME, Ghedini G, Marshall DJ (2020). Genome size affects fitness in the eukaryotic alga Dunaliella tertiolecta. Current Biology, 30:3450-3456.e3. [doi] [pdf]
- Ghedini G, Loreau M, Marshall DJ (2020). Community efficiency during succession: a test of MacArthur’s minimisation principle in phytoplankton communities. Ecology, 101:e03015. [doi] [pdf]
- Ghedini G, Loreau M, White CR, Marshall DJ (2018). Testing MacArthur's minimisation principle: do communities minimise energy wastage during succession? Ecology Letters, 21:1182-1190. [doi] [pdf]
- Ghedini G, White CR, Marshall DJ (2018). Metabolic scaling across succession: do individual rates predict community‐level energy use? Functional Ecology, 32:1447–1456. [doi] [pdf]
- Ghedini G, Craig R. White, Dustin J. Marshall (2017). Does energy flux predict density dependence? An empirical field test. Ecology, 98: 3116–3126. [doi] [pdf]
- Ghedini G & Connell SD (2017) Moving ocean acidification research beyond a simple science: Investigating ecological change and their stabilizers. Food Webs, 13: 53-59. Invited review. [doi] [pdf]
- Provost EJ, Kelaher BP, Dworjanyn SA, Russell BD, Connell SD, Ghedini G, Gillanders BM, Figueira W, Coleman M A (2016) Climate-driven disparities among ecological interactions threaten kelp forest persistence. Global Change Biology, 23:353-361. [doi] [pdf]
- Ghedini G & Connell SD (2016) Organismal homeostasis buffers the effects of abiotic change on community dynamics. Ecology, 97(10): 2671-2679. [doi] [pdf]
- Connell SD, Nimmo DG, Ghedini G, Mac Nally R, Bennett AF (2016) Ecological Resistance – Why Mechanisms Matter: A Reply to Sundstrom et al. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 31(6):413 414. [doi] [pdf]
- Connell SD & Ghedini G (2015) Resisting regime-shifts: the stabilising effect of compensatory processes. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 30(9):513-515. [doi] [pdf]
- Ghedini G, Russell BD, Connell SD (2015) Trophic compensation reinforces resistance: herbivory absorbs the increasing effects of multiple disturbances. Ecology Letters, 18(2):182-187. [doi] [pdf]
- Falkenberg LJ, Connell SD, Coffee OI, Ghedini G, Russell BD (2015) Species interactions can maintain resistance of subtidal algal habitats to an increasingly modified world. Global Ecology and Conservation, 5:549-558. [doi] [pdf]
- Ghedini G, Russell BD, Falkenberg LJ, Connell SD (2015) Beyond spatial and temporal averages: ecological responses to extreme events may be exacerbated by local disturbances. Climate Change Responses, 2(6):1-8. [doi] [pdf]
- Maggi E, Benedetti-Cecchi L, Castelli A, Chatzinikolaou E, Crowe T, Ghedini G, Kotta J, Lyons D, Ravaglioli C, Rilov G, Rindi L, Bulleri F (2014) Ecological impacts of invading seaweeds: a meta-analysis of their effects at different trophic levels. Diversity & Distributions, 21(1):1-12. [doi] [pdf]
- Ghedini G, Russell BD, Connell SD (2013) Managing Local Coastal Stressors to Reduce the Ecological Effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming. Water, 5(4):1653-1661. Invited review. [doi] [pdf]
- Tamburello L, Benedetti-Cecchi L, Ghedini G, Alastra T, Bulleri F (2012) Variation in the structure of subtidal landscapes in the NW Mediterranean Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 457:29-41. [doi] [pdf]
- Ghedini G, Klein JC, Coleman RA (2011) Potential effects of storm-water runoff on assemblages of mobile invertebrates. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 439:169-180. [doi] [pdf]
* supervised student